
5 Things to Know When Starting a Video Production

Why Inbound Marketing Works for Hospitality

Let’s say you want to make the next step in inbound marketing and produce video content for your next great campaign! There are a lot of moving parts and people that you have to rely on to make a video production a success.Many questions rise to the top, like where to start, what to plan for, how much to budget, what end goals to plan for the video content… Let’s break this down into more manageable pieces to digest and understand. Here are 5 great tips to start off on the right foot and not have too many “surprises” along your production journey:

1. Have a clear vision of what you want to produce

This is where all the magic begins- coming up with the great idea to market your product and turn visitors into customers and promoters. Video content is a sure way to help connect with visitors. It is a unique type of media that is a more more accessible. It can reach a wider audience where your visitors/leads might not connect with written or other visual content. There are many resources that can help with creating a clear vision. Help may come from internal research, a creative director, an art director, or environmental inspiration. Even though the creative process is fluid, having the vision early and having a direction will help guide you to the next step of communicating that vision.

2. Know how to clearly communicate the vision throughout the production

Communication is key from the get go, but also throughout the video project to “gently” guide the agency, producers, directors, editors, etc. Each of these different production members communicate in different ways. Some are more budget/logistics oriented, and others are more creatively inclined. When you have the right people working together this communication becomes much easier and sometimes even just instinctive. Communication is very important to guide your vision from the beginning, through the onset production, and in the editing room. As you guide each area of production and build that trust, the production will run smooth and the end video product will show that quality and tone of the whole creative team.

3. Know what surprises to expect and plan accordingly

In any industry there is a universal saying “with age comes wisdom” or “good judgment comes from experience, but experience comes from bad judgment.” I have worked on countless productions, and I have definitely seen my mistakes and adapted my problem solving skills. In every video production there will be stumbling blocks to overcome. They may include the budget, crew, locations, equipment, logistics, or creative clarification. With more practice and the right team around you, these solutions will come quick and be more apparent.

4. Know what to expect on set

Principal photography of production is where a large chunk of the magic will happen. It is a period of shooting days where you will find success or failure. Let’s plan for success! Shooting days are usually a smaller amount of time where there are a lot of moving parts and people all working towards one goal. Everyone’s goal is to capture the content to make it look and sound amazing. Knowing where you fit in this team is very important. A good set works quick and efficient. It’s amazing to see a set working where everyone is quiet, focused, and working hard. That is when you know the crew is working together. Cool and quiet is always better than loud and disorganized. With the planning and vision in hand, you can guide the production to success.

5. Know what the end goal is for the content

Whether your end goal is for a campaign for social media, direct on your website or something bigger like buying ad time, you need to know your end goal. This will determine all of your decisions from start to finish of the production. Knowing what final format your video needs to be will greatly help the creative process. These variables may include the Director of Photography knowing the settings for the media, or the editor knowing how to talk to the colorist and motion graphics artist. Having these answers will help know the final content destination, where to upload, and how to track views and conversion.

Jumping into producing video content is very exciting and rewarding! I hope with these 5 production tips that you be ahead of the curve in planning and executing your next video campaign.

Happy filming and enjoy the journey.

Paul Martell Moyle