
How Luxury Retail Should Use Mobile Tech to Get Shoppers In Stores

Why Inbound Marketing Works for Hospitality

There’s no doubt that the age of mobile internet is now upon us. According to a report on mobile internet usage by Pew Research, nearly two-thirds of all American adults now own a smartphone, and a study by comScore showed that more than 60 percent of internet users choose to browse on their smartphone rather than their desktop computer.

However, just because shoppers are attached to their smartphones – using it for things like messaging, e-mail and, of course, shopping – doesn’t actually mean that the physical, brick-and-mortar retail store is doomed. In fact, luxury retailers actually have the opportunity to harness the power of mobile technology to draw tech-savvy shoppers back into stores. The following are some ways luxury brands can use mobile technology to make shopping more efficient, convenient and enjoyable for consumers.

Offer In-Store Deals via Mobile

One great way to bring customers into your stores is by using your company’s own branded mobile app to offer deals that can only be redeemed in-store. By sending in-store deals via e-mail, text or push notification, you can make shoppers aware of items they can find in-store, then encourage them to go shopping by offering enticing discounts. You can also offer in-store deals in exchange for social media “check-ins,” which customers can do via their smartphones.

Use Mobile Pay

A Mobile Wallet is a relatively new type of technology that allows users to store their credit card information in their smartphone, then pay with that smartphone, all without needing access to their physical wallet. Mobile pay technology has a slew of benefits, including making the checkout process faster, allowing users to shop if they’ve forgotten their wallet and better protecting consumers from credit card fraud. By introducing mobile pay technology into your retail store, you can make the payment process much quicker and more convenient for shoppers.

Allow Dressing Room Messaging

Dressing rooms can be uncomfortable. Shoppers are usually undressed, but they also often need to retrieve items (of a different size, color, etc.) from inside the store. Instead of having sales associates linger outside dressing room doors while customers change, stores can utilize mobile messaging technology via their branded app, which allows shoppers inside dressing rooms to directly message store employees about items they need. This not only makes the dressing room atmosphere less awkward, it also frees up sales associates to handle other tasks inside the store.

Take Advantage of Beacons

Another great mobile technology to take advantage of for an improved, more personalized in-store shopping experience is beacon technology. Beacons are small devices that use Bluetooth technology to send messages to smart devices in their vicinity. If you install beacons in your retail store, you can easily send messages to shoppers who have your store’s app and who have Bluetooth enabled when they are within a certain geographical proximity. Beacons can alert shoppers of deals or discounts on nearby in-store items or items they have purchased previously. This boosts the convenience factor for shoppers, encouraging them to buy.

There’s no doubt that more and more customers are doing their shopping online today, but luxury retail stores can take advantage of consumer’s tech savviness to bring them into the store. By developing a branded app and implementing certain mobile technologies within the store, companies can make the shopping experience better than ever.